The North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association (NCIUA), also known as the Coastal Property Insurance Pool, is a nonprofit association of insurance companies authorized to write essential property insurance coverage in North Carolina. The Association was created by law to act as a market of last resort to provide adequate essential property insurance to property owners having insurable property in the Beach and Coastal Areas of North Carolina.
NCIUA, in accordance with statute and its plan of operation and supported by the North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance, pursues mitigation efforts in North Carolina’s beach region to increase the resiliency of property against catastrophic wind events. As such, NCIUA has implemented an affirmative Pilot Grant Mitigation Program titled Strengthen Your Roof ("Grant Program"). The Grant Program is designed to improve the resiliency and weather-resistance of properties insured by NCIUA. The Grant Program provides money to offset some of the replacement costs for qualified roofs to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety("IBHS") "FORTIFIED Home™ with new roof cover" standard.